Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sweet Conviction

Sweet conviction, Oh what bliss!
My Jesus set me free
T'is such joy to feel His rod
Gently probing me

I will not listen to the lie
That t'is unkind of cruel
T'would be much worse to stumble on
Without His gentle rule

His guiding hand ever upon
to comfort probe and keep
T'would be sorry, without a shepherd
To be a wayward sheep.

So do not tremble, dread or fear
My Lord is at the helm
He knows the things that must be done
To reach the heavenly realm

So gently will He guide you
Through valleys of death and life
and you will reach that sweeter land
no more to harbor strife

But e'er to dance before your King
"All glory honor and praise"
Will be the song we are will sing
And worship all our days

Inspired by the session "Pain" given by Eric Ludy

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Call of God - Steve Gallagher

This was prayed for us!