Sunday, May 29, 2011

More Than a Year

It has been more than a year since I started this blog.
If are wondering why I only have about 25 post in a year the answer is simple, I have been otherwise preoccupied. This year, I fell in love.

It wasn't like I thought it would be.
It wasn't like it happens in the movies. There were no fireworks- although there was plenty of burning.
There was no flitting about- although there was plenty of excitement.
There was no flirting and giggling- although there was plenty of wooing and deep heartfelt joy.
Yes, dear friends I have fallen in love and it's not like the story book kind of love, it's better.
There was no riding off into the sunset- but I know there will be a "happily-ever-after", for the One with Whom I have fallen in love, is Perfect! He is Love Himself.
He is the only One Who will NEVER let you down.
He is the only One Who knows me inside and out, even better than I know myself.
He is wonderful, amazing, beyond what words can describe. He is better than the best. Bigger than my wildest dreams. More majestic than the highest rugged mountain peek. He is the only Way. All Truth and Life. He is All-in-All.
If you haven't guessed it yet, I don't know who your thinking of, but I can tell you one thing, whoever that is he (or she) doesn't even come close to holding a candle to Who I am speaking of.
He is above and beyond any and ever one or thing.
Words fail to describe even a small portion of His vastness.
He is Omnipotent, omnipresent, all powerful, above and beyond everything in this universe, and I love Him. But what's even more amazing than that- it shouldn't be that spectacular that I love Someone as wonderful as Him- the amazing thing is HE LOVES ME! He loved me even before I loved Him!(Rom 5:8)
He is so good to us!
Who know one name could mean so much? This one name holds so much wait. Thousands, perhaps even millions have died horendis deths rather than renounce this wonderful name. This name above all names.

Due to the fact that, as of May 22nd, I am now graduated from Ellerslie, I have started a new blog page which you can get to here

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