Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Have time on your hands?

Have you ever had one of those days, or times throughout the day, where you just seem to have an odd amount of time on your hands and your not sure what to do with it?

Well my fellow sojourner have I got a wonderful time filler for you!

You might say “Seriously? Pray? You sound like my Mother (or whoever)” or “Well of course I could do that”.
My response: OF COURSE you could do that, but, are you doing it?

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ we have so much extra time on our hands that we don't even see!
Time spent in the car. Time waiting in line. Time brushing our teeth. Time in the shower. Time making dinner. TIME! Time that we are wasting! I to am guilty of this.
Dear Lord Jesus would You press upon each of us the importance, as Your body, to pray without ceasing!


Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. ~Mat 9:38
The American Church needs to be revived! There are so many ready for the gospel and we need laborers to go into these white fields. We need strong Godly men and virtuous, valiant women to rise up in this generation to proclaim, unashamedly, the truth of Who Jesus Christ is! To stand up for Truth and the purity of His Word!

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. ~Heb 13:3
If you are not now in a position where you can go and literally be hands and feet, you can still pray.
Pray for the mothers with HIV/Aids having to give up their little babies because they are to poor and too sick to care for them, even though that is all they have left in this world.
Pray for the HIV/Aids crisis in Southern Africa.
Pray for the orphaned and vulnerable children in Russia who are prime targets for human trafficking.
Pray for the little girls in slavery, who are treated worse than animals in the Brothels in Thailand and Cambodia.
Pray for the orphans in our own “back yard”, those who have no advocate right here in America, those under the banner of foster care. Who have been taken from their homes and the familiar (even if what was familiar was destruction it was, in allot of cases, all they knew).
Pray for those kids who are “aging out” of the Foster Care system, with no family and no stability, suddenly loosing the only thread of stability.
Pray for the babies in orphanages all across the world who have no one to hold them. Who have lost almost all emotion from lack of love and connection.
Pray for the little special needs babies in China who are scorned by society and abandoned by parents.
Pray for the boys and girls kidnapped and forced to fight in the LRA (“Lords Resistance Army”) in Liberia.
Pray Pray PRAY!

This is something we MUST do! Church of Jesus Christ, it is time that we found our way back to the prayer closet!
It's time that we not only find time in our day to pray, but MAKE time in our day to pray!
There are thousands dying each day and going to hell and we sit around and do nothing.
Dear Lord, plead open our eyes! Give us Your burdens! Press us to prayer!
Awake Your people from their peaceful sleep and burden them to PRAY!
Oh, Lord, we need Your grace (the power of the Christian life) to walk this narrow path.
Lord, our flesh balks at the idea of spending hours in prayer. It tells us that is too extreme, but if God's people don't get extreme once again then what is the point of being a Christian? If we are not radically giving our lives to You then what are we doing different than the world?
Lord, awaken us! Press us! Be LORD once again of Your people!
Thank You Jesus for the grace, hope, joy and love that is found in You!
Thank You that when we seek You with our whole hearts we will find You.
Thank You Lord that You are enough, that Your grace is sufficient.
I love You.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my sweet girl! Great post! God has been speaking to me the same thing. I have been reading about John praying Hyde. I told the Lord He could wake me up when He wanted me to pray, needless to say, I have been woke up on a regular basis. It seems the Lord really likes us to pray. Keep up the rant. Love you, mom
